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In Need Of Assistance After A Motorcycle Accident?

Legally Speaking From The McLario Firm

Mike Bertling is connecting with us today because the warm weather is approaching fast and more people are on the road with their bikes. May is motorcycle awareness month and Mike is making sure drivers are looking out for our bike friends because there were over 5000 motorcyclists killed in 2019. When people are injured it adds stress to everyone in their family and keeps them from working however the McLario Firm has attorneys to help work with authorities and investigate the motorcycle accident and interview police and witnesses to help get the family back to a normal routine. The McLario Firm also determines the medical costs of the injury, navigates insurance claims, represents people in legal matters and gives clients a peace of mind which helps avoid the stress of collectors so they can focus on taking care of their family and getting well.
To learn more information about motorcyclists, download the 5 Mistakes to Avoid after a Crash brochure from McLario right at the top of the home page to keep handy in case you are in an accident.
To learn about all 10 ways an attorney can help you if you are in a motorcycle accident, schedule a free virtual or in person consultation at McLario.