
Mail mix-up: She was supposed to receive a frying pan, but received a teddy bear instead

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WAUKESHA COUNTY — Back in May, Donna Gence's daughter ordered her this$100 frying pan off of Amazon for a combined birthday and Mother's Day gift. She got this $20 teddy bearinstead.

The package's label, with the bear inside, was addressed to Gence and it wasn't some practical joke her daughter was playing on her. She immediately called Amazon.

"I asked them for a credit since I didn't get the pan. They wouldn't give me that. So I said OK, send me the pan. 'No, we can't do that.' So, I said, OK, give my daughter the credit, 'no we can't do that.' And so this is where we're at right now. I have gotten nowhere," said Gence.

Gence says she's called at least four times trying to get this fixed. Amazon told her they were having trouble verifying her daughter's address.

"So I gave them the house number for my daughter's addresses for the last like ten, fifteen years, and nope, it's none of those," Gence said.

After seven months without success, Gence reached out to our Call for Action office. Days after we reached out to Amazon for her, Gence received a gift card to cover the cost of the frying pan.

Amazon spokesperson, Leah Seay, provided the below statement to TMJ4 News:

"We work hard to provide customers with a great experience and deeply regret that this situation did not live up to our high standards. we worked directly with the customer to address this and make it right."

If you're wondering how this all happened, an Amazon rep called to apologize to Gence and told her, for some reason her frying pan got diverted from the labeling conveyor belt, so her address label was put on the next package, which was the teddy bear. Gence was told Amazon is still trying to trace the frying pan.

Gence didn't need to, but she ended up mailing the teddy bear back to Amazon.

In the end, she learned a little kid ended up getting the bear.

If a retailer won't give you the item you ordered and paid for, you can reach out to our Call 4 Action office 414-967-5495 or click here to submit a complaint to the office online.

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