PORT WASHINGTON — The City and Town of Port Washington made a big decision Tuesday night.
City and town leaders agreed to amend a border agreement that dates back 20 years. This is the next step for the potential data center project.

"I don't want this in my backyard, and I don't think any of you would either," resident Kim Tydrick said during public comment.
Tydrick wasn't alone in that sentiment.
"This is not what I signed up for; I'm out of here," resident Amanda Mueller said.
Many are worried about long-time farm families being asked to sell their land for the potential project.

According to the City of Port Washington, "The pre-development agreement approved by the Common Council defines the site as approximately 1,900 acres."
"I believe Ozaukee farmers should be supported and shouldn't have to sell their land for pennies on the dollar," one resident said during public comment.
Watch: Residents raise concerns as Port Washington leaders approve land annexation
The Common Council heard the pleas from residents to not move forward with the land annexation. Despite the concerns, council members voted yes on the agreement.
You can read the full agreement here:
Supplemental Agreement to Settlement Agreement With TPW & CPW Final With Exhibits by TMJ4 News on Scribd
"What is the long-term plan here,” town resident, Matt Gaulke asked.

"Many of the questions you have, we don't have the answers to because we're still seeking them as well," Port Washington Mayor Ted Neitzke said.
Gaulke said there are benefits to living within the town.
"The City of Port, while it's great, there's just something special about being in a town," Gaulke explained.
According to a statement from the city: “The annexation agreement provides benefits to both the City and Town, including significant long-term property tax revenue for the City, additional revenue for the Town, extension of municipal water and sewer to certain properties within the Town, and an extension of agreements covering the fire and rescue services that the City provides to the Town. The entire region will benefit from new jobs created by the project.”
Mayor Neitzke also addressed the concerns over non-disclosure agreements.
"We are under no NDAs, and we have not signed any NDAs on this project. So that talking point, I would ask if that would stop," Mayor Neitzke said.
According to the city, officials will provide additional public updates as the project progresses.
"This agreement represents an important next step in a proposed project that would provide significant benefits to our residents," Mayor Neitzke said in a statement.
Residents who have questions about the project can contact the city via email: economicdev@portwashingtonwi.gov
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