MILWAUKEE — On Tuesday, members of the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (Vaccine Sub Committee) met to discuss to provide guidance as to who is at the top of the list for vaccinations.
The state will receive about 50,000 doses from Pfizer and 16,000 doses from Moderna, pending FDA approval. At the top of the list to receive a vaccine are long term care facility residents and health care workers with direct patient care.
“The whole purpose of prioritization is to ensure the most critical get the vaccine first,” said Ann Lewandowski, with SDMAC.
Members voted to include in-home caregivers into the 1A category, a category of workers that will get top vaccine priority.
“How we work out the logistics, that is a challenge and should not preclude them from being listed,” said Tom Hatter, with SDMAC.
EMTs who have direct patient contact would also be included in the first category, job coaches who provide assistance to those with disabilities would fall under the second category under essential workers.
FDA approval for Pfizer's vaccine could come as early as Thursday.