WAUKESHA COUNTY — Since Law enforcement recently became eligible for COVID-19 vaccines, Waukesha County fire chiefs are helping to administer those doses.
Among them was Detective Dana Hazelton with the Village of Summit Police Department.
"Speaking with my wife, she's a nurse practitioner, she has some experience with it, and she said it was a good idea. So she kind of convinced me," said Hazelton.
Going on 19 years with the Summit's Police Department, Hazelton said getting the shot brings some comfort and relief to know there's a shield against the virus.
"If I get it or not, at least I thought I did the right thing by taking this step," said Detective Hazelton.
"We need law-enforcement on many of our calls. We work together and that's why we're happy to provide this to them, taking down the boundaries of jurisdictions. We're all in this together," said Chief Brad Bowen of the Western Lakes Fire District.
Chief Bowen said their district alone has hosted three clinics so far to help get vaccines out.
Since the state recently gave the green light for law enforcement vaccinations, Bowen says they have come from all over the local area.
To be clear, this clinic is not open to the public and there is a strict screening process for people who meet the needed criteria.
"We got officers from our local communities that we serve Oconomowoc, Summit, the Town of Oconomowoc, as well as, the Waukesha County Sheriff's Department, Wisconsin DNR, federal agents," said Chief Bowen.
"When you think about our law enforcement, our EMS, our first responders those are individuals who are brought into situations where they don't know if COVID is on the other side of the door," said Waukesha County Executive Paul Farrow.
Delafield's Police Chief, who also received the vaccine on Tuesday, said COVID hit their department hard, and he believes strongly the vaccine will make a difference.
"It's to be the responsible thing to do so as a society. We can begin fighting back against the virus and hopefully at some point get back to what was normal," said Chief Kehl.
The county's team of fire chiefs is working to open more clinics for law enforcement next week.