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Elkhorn family in Paris to cheer on Olympian Payton Jacobson

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An Elkhorn family is in Paris to cheer on first-time Olympian Payton Jacobson.

Payton will compete in Greco-Roman wrestling in the 87kg division. He takes the mat this Wednesday.

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Elkhorn family in Paris to cheer on Olympian Payton Jacobson

Payton's family is right there with him.

"Definitely in the past few years we've all been trying to manifest it and believing in Payton for sure," Payton's sister Cameron Jacobson told TMJ4 News.

From snapping a photo near the Eiffel Tower replica in Las Vegas before the wrestler qualified to signing a book in Athens, Greece as "Parents of a future Olympian" the Jacobsons are his biggest cheerleaders.

Elkhorn family in Paris to cheer on Olympian Payton Jacobson

Bryce Jacobson recalled a vision board that his brother made growing up.

"The last thing on like all of his goals was to make the Olympics, now he has done it," Bryce shared.

Watch: Elkhorn family in Paris to cheer on Olympian Payton Jacobson

Elkhorn family in Paris and ready to cheer on first-time Olympian Payton Jacobson

"The day getting on the plane I couldn't stop crying," mom Sheri Jacobson explained. "I can't even believe this is happening."

From seeing Simone Biles, Jordan Chiles, and Suni Lee compete to meeting Lebron James' mother and exploring Paris, the Jacobsons love the experience.

"The different cultures just in one spot. Everybody seems to be getting along. Everybody's got a smile on their face. It's just a neat experience," Payton's father Aaron Jacobson said.

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Elkhorn family in Paris to cheer on Olympian Payton Jacobson

The family's hometown of Elkhorn rallied behind Payton. People across the community held multiple fundraisers to make sure his loved ones could join him in Paris.

"He (Payton) seems like he's ready to go. He's in a good spot in his head. Sounds like the training went well. He's just ready to get out there and rock it," Bryce stated.

"I'd love to see him win but he'll go out there and do his best. We'll be there to support him regardless," said Aaron.

The Jacobsons expect more family and supporters to join them in Paris on Tuesday.

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