MILWAUKEE — The Holler House oozes history.
"The oldest...sanctioned bowling alley, in the nation," Michael Stuckert says.
Michael Stuckert should know. He's the owner's son. And the first bowler in 86 years, to bowl a perfect game here.
"You have lane conditions...oil on the lanes, lane conditions are not going to be consistent," Stuckert says.
When did Michael know history could be made?
"Probably around 6th, 7th frame...shoot the 10th...this is possible," Stuckert says.
But here, with history, and family?
"It's pretty special," Stuckert says. "Other places, there are 300's thrown every day...not here," Stuckert says.
It's Stuckert's second perfect game.
"This will be the top," Stuckert says.
But the question remains. If it's so tough here, why doesn't Michael have more?
"I even tell myself that...why can't I do it in my Thursday league? I've been pretty inconsistent this year," Stuckert says.