MILWAUKEE — When it comes to the Milwaukee Bucks, there are fans and then there are those who consider themselves superfans. Three of those people have been out showing their Bucks pride in the community.
Izzy Munoz decided to spend all day on Tuesday driving around Milwaukee County. He says he started at 11 a.m. in St. Francis and drove his truck, decked out with a giant Bucks flag and a stuffed deer head in a Bucks’ jersey, all around the area to get people pumped.
“We got the deer, we bought this flag. Going around making people hyped up,” said Munoz.
It is also what Jackie McElmurry likes to do, not with her car, but with her hair.
"I love going crazy for my team,” said McElmurry.
The Bucks regular wears green wigs when the team starts the playoffs. She switches them up for every series. She has even added leg warmers and antlers to her outfits. McElmurry says she became a Bucks fan as a kid, going to games thanks to a Milwaukee Public Schools program.
“I went to Riverside. We had the opportunity to be team attendants, which are ball girls or boys for the Bucks. And I did that, for four years, and I just haven't let go of my passion for the team since,” said McElmurry.

A MPS teacher is sharing her passion for the Bucks with her students in a fun way. Dannette Justus likes to sport unique Bucks gear like Bucks Mickey Mouse ears and specially made shirts when she reads virtually to her kids at Siefert Elementary.
Justus is such a big fan, she was picked by the Bucks to introduce Khris Middleton when the MPS teachers gave introductions for the team.
“Number 22, cash money, Kris Middleton,” said Justus in the introduction.
Justus was born just after the Bucks won their first NBA title, so she feels this has to be the year they bring home a championship.

"Its going to happen. This is my birthday gift. They are going to win the Finals. They are going to be the champions,” said Justus.