A recent poll asked 2,000 American parents of children under age 10 which costumes they thought were offensive in nature and should be banned from stores. Ranking high on the list were costumes that poked fun at another’s culture, seen as politically incorrect and were pandemic related. Author ofBlues to Blessings, Suzette Webb is back today to share some things to consider when dressing your child this Halloween.
When Should Parents Say No to a Child’s Halloween Costume?
Suzette Webb

A recent poll asked 2,000 American parents of children under age 10 which costumes they thought were offensive in nature and should be banned from stores. Ranking high on the list were costumes that poked fun at another’s culture, seen as politically incorrect and were pandemic related. Author of Blues to Blessings, Suzette Webb is back today to share some things to consider when dressing your child this Halloween.

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