High cholesterol is a serious health concern that affects over 94 million adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, major complications like heart disease, stroke and death can happen if left untreated. Joining us to discuss the importance of lowering your cholesterol to help decrease your risk for heart disease are Katherine Wilemon, founder and CEO of The Family Heat Foundation, and Dr. Abha Khandelwal. For more information, please visit MoreFamiliesMoreHearts.org
Understanding the Importance of Lowering Your Cholesterol
The Family Heart Foundation

High cholesterol is a serious health concern that affects over 94 million adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, major complications like heart disease, stroke and death can happen if left untreated. Joining us to discuss the importance of lowering your cholesterol to help decrease your risk for heart disease are Katherine Wilemon, founder and CEO of The Family Heat Foundation, and Dr. Abha Khandelwal. For more information, please visit MoreFamiliesMoreHearts.org

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