Chris Hemsworth is Sharing the Secrets to his fitness success. Just in time to jumpstart your 2023 wellness journey, we’ve got the inside scoop on the actor’s legendary health and fitness regimen, straight from his own fitness guru. Trainer Luke Zocchi is here up close and personal, with details on Centr the digital wellness platform created by the actor for easy-to-use all access to his personal team of world-class experts. The at-home essentials kit can transform your mindset and get you training like a star all while contributing active steps to the Moves that Matter initiative.

Chris Hemsworth is Sharing the Secrets to his fitness success. Just in time to jumpstart your 2023 wellness journey, we’ve got the inside scoop on the actor’s legendary health and fitness regimen, straight from his own fitness guru. Trainer Luke Zocchi is here up close and personal, with details on Centr the digital wellness platform created by the actor for easy-to-use all access to his personal team of world-class experts. The at-home essentials kit can transform your mindset and get you training like a star all while contributing active steps to the Moves that Matter initiative.

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