Having money trouble and suffocating debt can be overwhelming. Miller and Miller Attorneys at Law have been helping Wisconsin Families for over 25 years with a unique three-step process to not only eliminate debt, but he says he can get your credit score up to 720 or better within six months! Jamie Miller joins us to discuss how he can help you navigate the bankruptcy process and how he is educating more people on this important topic via Facebook Live.
Jamie Miller is holding two Facebook Lives today, February 20 at noon and again at 5 PM! Head over to the Miller and Miller Facebook Page, like it, and tune in for answers on filing taxes, what to do with your refund, how it relates to bankruptcy, and more!
And to contact Miller and Miller directly with specific questions or to set up a FREE strategy session, call (414) 376-6363 or visit MilwaukeeBankruptcy.com.