Lucky Mutts Rescue is a non-profit, foster based organization dedicated to saving dogs that are at risk of euthanasia due to abuse and neglect, overcrowding in shelters, and owners surrenders. They pride themselves in finding homes for their dogs who would not have had a chance to live a full and happy life. While in their care, dogs are places in foster homes who allow them to decompress and work on skills to prepare them for adoption.
Medical coordinator, Ann Draghicchio, and assistant medical coordinator, Darcy Piette, join us with Hercules, a 5 year old bully mix, to discuss adoption and care. On May 28, they are having their first Yappy Hour of the year! This will be at their rescue, 9225 W. Beloit Road and they will have most of their available dogs present for meet and greets! Get pre-approved now, you may meet your new best friend! Here are some upcoming events dogs will be available at:
June 5: West Allis a la carte
June 11: Paws on the Patio at Brick Pub and Grill in Glendale
June 18: Auntie Jennies in Greendale
For more information, please visit
Pet Project is sponsored by Fleet Farm. Get the Guaranteed Lowest Prices on dog and cat food at Fleet Farm!
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