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Local Mother and Daughter Share How Mental Health Struggles Don't Define You

with Deb Mueller
Posted at 10:39 AM, May 22, 2024

In her highly anticipated book, Love Hard, author Deb Mueller delivers a poignant memoir chronicling a mother's resilient journey through the roller coaster of loving and parenting a child with mental health struggles. In this raw and deeply personal account, Deb shares her experiences, providing an unfiltered look into her decade-long fight to support and uplift her daughter amidst the challenges of mental health. Deb is joined today by her daughter Mia who is also a mental health advocate.

Deb's insightful account not only offers hope and validation to other exhausted moms, but perhaps more importantly, it offers proof that mental illness does not have to define, limit or destroy a person. That it can instead be just one piece of a person’s beautiful, strong, capable, accomplished, and multifaceted self. That there’s beauty in being perfectly imperfect.

You can find Deb's book on Amazon and GoodReads.