We are all doing our best to cope with the closures and abnormalities that the Coronavirus has caused in our lives. Some people are resorting to alcohol and other substances to cope for the time being. However, these habits are not healthy and can lead to other issues like poor mental health, and physical health. Kelley Kitley, a Psychotherapist from Serendipitous Psychotherapy, joins us to discuss ways to keep up your mental health, and how to access mental healthcare during these uncertain times.
Kelley's Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health:
- Getting fresh air often
- Moving your body
- Keeping a journal
- Emotionally connect with others online
- Drive-by visits of family and friends
- Meditation
Mental health issues are on the rise. Since the beginning of quarantine, Mental Health America reported 5,000 new reported cases in the country.Therapists like Kelley are looking to help and are offering tele-therapy sessions to help reduce anxiety and increase mood, and manage PTSD symptoms of front-line workers during these uncertain times.
To learn more about Kelley, ways to improve your mental health, or the virtual therapy sessions visit: www.kelleykitley.com
Or follow her on Instagram at @kelleykitley