This is the 9th year for this outstanding TICA Cat Show, it has been recognized as one of the best cat shows in the Great Lakes Region. Pedigree and household pet kittens and cats from around the country will be competing for awards at this feline funfest. The Midwest is home to many of the top show cats in the world. Liz Brown and Mary Reiss from the club joins us to talk about the cat show. For more information, please visit

This is the 9th year for this outstanding TICA Cat Show, it has been recognized as one of the best cat shows in the Great Lakes Region. Pedigree and household pet kittens and cats from around the country will be competing for awards at this feline funfest. The Midwest is home to many of the top show cats in the world. Liz Brown and Mary Reiss from the club joins us to talk about the cat show. For more information, please visit

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