ShowsThe Morning Blend


Holiday Fun And Crafts For The Entire Family

Shady Lane Greenhouse

Enjoy a day full of fun for the entire family that includes everything poinsettia! Engage in Christmas crafts, enjoy music, food and more this Saturday at the German Poinsettia Party at Shady Lane Greenhouse. Retail Greenhouse Manager, Heidi Hornung joins us to share more about this upcoming event and the star of the show, poinsettias!

German Poinsettia Party takes place this Saturday, December 4th 10am to 2pm. There will be shopping, live music (Organ Grinders!), S.V.E.V. D’Oberlandler Dancers with their famous gluhwein, crafts for kids and visits from St. Nikolas and Krampus!

And then on Sunday, December 5 Shady Lane Greenhouse is hosting a Magnolia Table Runner Workshop at 1pm.

Call to register:
(262) 251-1660