ShowsThe Morning Blend


Fun Summer Camps for Kids!

At HAWS Schallock Center for Animals
and last updated

The school year is wrapping up, meaning it’s time to find some fresh entertainment to keep your child busy. The Humane Animal Welfare Society, HAWS, is the place for animal-lovers to be! This summer, the HAWS Schallock Center for Animals will be an activity hub, hosting the Kids ‘N Critters Day Camp and more. Joining us today to discuss the new programs facility and various camp sessions is Denise Folcik, Humane Educator at HAWS.

There’s a HAWS Education Sneak Peek on Saturday, May 22. You can register now on, but there’s limited availability! Also, HAWS is enrolling campers and hiring camp counselors for every camp session. You can visit for more details.