ShowsThe Morning Blend


Don't Let this Awesome New Book Fly Over Your Head!

With Author David Sibley
and last updated

“Can birds smell?” “Is this the same cardinal that was at my feeder last year?” “Do robins ‘hear’ worms?” A new book What It’s Like to Be a Bird answers the most common questions about our backyard feathered friends. Author David Sibley isn't new to the orinthology world, in fact, he once spent a decade driving around the country to draw all the birds of the USA for his first book The Sibley Guide to Birds! Now with a new book under his wing, David Sibley joins us to talk about the birds of Milwaukee, and what they are really up to.

Join David Sibley for a night of bird watching insights with a virtual event hosted Boswell Books and Schlitz Audubon on February 23rd at 7pm CST Link to register: here

You can also peck up a copy of his book What It's Like to Be a Bird at Boswell Books, or your favorite local retailer!