Adam Albrecht is back. He is the author of What Does Your Fortune Cookie Say?: 80 Important Life Lessons The Universe Is Trying To Share With You. Adam joins us today to share
how to establish power habits; easy ways to build good habits that make a truly meaningful difference. This is about starting to do what you want to do & know you should do! Tips and tricks to focus on creating routines/processes/systems that serve us better and help us reach our goals. (Not so much about "breaking" bad habits) His book is available at Winkie's in Whitefish Bay or where books are sold.

Adam Albrecht is back. He is the author of What Does Your Fortune Cookie Say?: 80 Important Life Lessons The Universe Is Trying To Share With You. Adam joins us today to share how to establish power habits; easy ways to build good habits that make a truly meaningful difference. This is about starting to do what you want to do & know you should do! Tips and tricks to focus on creating routines/processes/systems that serve us better and help us reach our goals. (Not so much about "breaking" bad habits) His book is available at Winkie's in Whitefish Bay or where books are sold.

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