Summer Stock, the touching story behind the making of the classic musical, tells the troubled backstory of the 1950's musical. Written by David Fantle and Tom Johnson, David joins us today to talk about his new book. This MGM musical was the third and final pairing of Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. It was a troubled production and the perfect storm, due in part to Garland’s erratic behavior, her dependencies on prescription medications, her failing marriage to director Vincente Minnelli and the challenges of raising a toddler, Liza Minnelli. The challenges of completing this production make for a compelling story and an interesting insight into the mechanics into the making of these great MGM musicals.
Find the book at:
University Press of Mississippi
Barnes & Noble
Most indie booksellers, including Boswell Books in Milwaukee
Upcoming Book Signings:
Friday, Oct. 13
UW-Milwaukee, Waukesha
7 p.m. free
C’mon Get Happy: Summer Stock and the Making of the MGM Musical with David Fantle and Tom Johnson – Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books (
Sunday, Oct. 15
Milwaukee JCC (Whitefish Bay)
1 p.m. free