ShowsThe Morning Blend


Bringing Functional Medicine into the Future

The Mission of Vytal Health
and last updated

When you’re not feeling well, you can’t live your fullest life. Unfortunately, in today’s health care environment, doctors are rushed to see 4-5 patients per hour and their most common approach to care is to use prescriptions to address or cover-up symptoms, leaving you feeling unheard, rushed out the door, and dismissed. The mission of Vytal Health is to bring functional medicine into the future by taking the time to listen to patients and create a personalized plan to fix the root of their issues. Joining us to discuss how they accomplish this is Dr. Tiffany Mullen, CEO and Co-Founder of Vytal Health.

Visit us at to take their symptom quiz and learn what might be behind your symptoms. You can also schedule a visit with one of their functional medicine experts right on the website. You can also reach out to them at 855-998-4900 with any questions, and they will happily help!