Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. And it's happening in plain sight, meaning most of the victims go to school, church, and live in stable homes. Reserach shows that the average age of recruitment into the commercial sex industry is 12 to 14 years old, and the victims come from every race, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. Joining us to talk about this important issue is Debra Schneider, founder of the Faith Coalition Against Sex Trafficking (FCAST) Waukesha County. She is here with Theresa Flores, author of "The Slave Across the Street"; she was trafficked at the age of 15 while living at home with unsuspecting parents.
S.O.A.P. outreach training will take place today, March 20 followed by hotel/motel canvasing in Waukesha and Washington Counties. If you are interested in participating contact them at