Kevin Nicholson is a candidate in waiting - he wants to run in 2022, but he just hasn't decided which race to jump into.
For now the 2018 Republican U.S. Senate candidate leads a non-profit that has launched new TV and digital ads taking on issues like Critical Race Theory and conservative goals.
At times Nicholson sounds like a potential candidate for Wisconsin governor or the U.S. Senate.
"I wouldn't trust Joe Biden to drive my car. I sure don't like him driving my country," Nicholson tells TMJ4 News' Charles Benson in an interview.
For now Nicholson can be seen in a $500,000 statewide adfrom his non-profit, No Better Friend, advocating for conservative ideas.
Benson: "Is it fair to say that Kevin Nicholson's name will be on the ballot in 2022?"
Nicholson: "Yes, it is."

Nicholson is waiting to see if Sen. Ron Johnson will seek a third term next year before making a decision.
Benson: "It sounds like you're saying you know, next year I might play for the Green Bay Packers, or I might pitch for the Milwaukee Brewers. They are different jobs?"
Nicholson: "I disagree with your analogy, because at the end of the day, either one of those jobs where you're really working for is the people in the state of Wisconsin, period, and you're solving problems that they face."
Nicholson lost the U.S. Senate Republican primary to Leah Vukmir in 2018 by six points or 27,000 votes, but won 57 out of 72 counties.
Learn Nicholson's views on COVID-19 and the vaccines below:
These days the pro-school choice supporter sees problems with public education and conversations around Critical Race Theory. He supports teaching American history about slavery and the civil war.
But CRT proponent's see it as an important conversation around how racism shapes American public policy.
Benson: "Do you think systemic racism exists?"
Nicholson: "Systemic racism is an attempt to say that the laws that govern this country are inherently racist. That is what proponents of critical race theory are saying. That is not true, and again we can point back to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do examples of racism exist throughout our history, do they exist today? Of course they do, because humans are human, and they're fallible."
The Bronze star Marine veteran who served in Afghanistan also questions decisions by many military and political leaders in both parties, and for lacking a strategic objective with an end date after initial success.
Nicholson: "I believe that for me, what I've said pretty consistently is the initial pushing to Afghanistan was the right thing to do, to go after the Taliban, and to go after Al Qaeda terrorists that were tied to the Taliban."
Benson: "So do you think we lost the war?"
Nicholson: "I think we gained very little strategically. If you look at it today, the Biden administration has put in place a Taliban government that was securing an American extraction that includes people who actually planned and executed the 9/11 attack. Can you say you won that war? Absolutely not."
The Wisconsin governor's race is already off and running. Gov. Tony Evers has already launched his reelection campaign.
"Perennial candidate Kevin Nicholson is trying to use Wisconsin as a stepping stone to further his political career - and whether he runs for Senate or governor, Wisconsinites will reject him, just like they did in 201," said Kayla Anderson, a spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch jumped into the governor's race earlier this month. Businessman Jonathan Wichmann is also running.
Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher's name also comes up as a potential candidate for governor or senate.
For now, a lot depends on what Senator Johnson decides.
Benson: "Are you frustrated with Senator Johnson not making decision by now, and if he does run, don't you think he can win?"
Nicholson: "Oh, I absolutely think he can win. I think he just needs to make his decision and we'll figure it out from there."