Wisconsin residents who did not file taxes may still be eligible to claim a federal Economic Impact Payment.
The deadline to apply is Oct. 15, the State of Wisconsin reminded residents Wednesday.
"We are working closely with the federal government to get the word out to Wisconsinites who may qualify and have yet to receive a federal stimulus payment," said Department of Revenue Secretary Peter Barca. "We continue to fight the pandemic here in Wisconsin, and part of our fight is getting funds in the hands of the people who need it."
According to the IRS:
- Letter recipients are people who typically are not required to file federal income tax returns but may qualify for an Economic Impact Payment. The letter urges recipients to visit the IRS's Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info tool on IRS.gov before the October 15 deadline to register for an Economic Impact Payment.
- Eligible persons may register now using the Non-Filers tool and do not need to wait for the letter to arrive. Those unable to access the Non-Filers tool may submit a simplified paper return following the procedures described in the Economic Impact Payment FAQs on IRS.gov. Alternatively, people can wait until next year and claim the recovery rebate credit on their 2020 federal income tax return.
- Individuals can receive up to $1,200, and married couples can receive up to $2,400. People with children
For more information, head to the IRS' website here.