

Wisconsin Democrats urge GOP to hold pot referendum

and last updated
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Democratic lawmakers are calling on Republicans to let the public weigh in on whether Wisconsin should join 28 other states that have legalized medical marijuana.
Rep. Chris Taylor and Sen. Jon Erpenbach have introduced a bill that would let Wisconsin residents vote in an advisory referendum on whether marijuana should be legalized for medical use. They've introduced another bill that would actually legalize the drug for that purpose.
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, a Juneau Republican, has said he'll never support legalizing medical marijuana. Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) is skeptical as well.
"There would have to be a real lengthy discussion about it before I would look at supporting medical marijuana at this point," Wanggaard said.
Regardless, Taylor and Erpenbach tried to drum up support for their bills at a news conference Monday, telling reporters that the state is failing sick people by not letting them use marijuana. They said Republican leaders should at least ask the public what it wants.
Steve Acheson is a veteran of the Iraq War. He says medical marijuana has allowed him to thrive under difficult conditions.
"Medicinal cannabis allowed me to reach my full potential, to cope with PTSD and the ongoing pain associated with three back surgeries," Acheson said.

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