WAUWATOSA, Wis. — Get ready to pay more for utilities starting next month. Prices are expected to go up by about 17 percent on average, according to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association.
A WE Energies spokesman says last winter, the typical homeowner paid about $20 more each month for their winter heating bill. This upcoming winter, he forecasts it will go up another $20 to $25 every single month.

"Yes that's the prediction," said Brendan Conway, Spokesperson for WE Energies, adding, "The war in Ukraine is driving this, exports are up, (the) production company in this country is down."
Conway adds that there is not enough natural gas to meet the demand, which most homes rely on.
"The price of natural gas has gone up 300 percent over two years," he said.
Prices are also going up across the board if you rely on other ways to heat your home, according to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association.

Tom Content with Citizens Utility Board shared with us the energy burden by the census. Eleven Milwaukee County neighborhoods highlighted below in dark blue are spending more than 5 percent of their combined income on utilities alone. Content says in many cases that number is 8 percent or more. The number should be under 6 percent.

"People have to put food on the table, they have to pay for prescription drugs utilities and everything is escalating," said Content. "That's why were are urging people to take steps now before winter hits."
WE Energies urges you to take action now to hopefully keep your bill lower, which includes:
- Sealing any cracks outside your house with weather stripping caulk.
- Change the filter on your furnace or get it checked by a professional to make sure it is energy efficient.
- Call your utility company to work out a payment plan, before it gets worse.
- You can reach WE Energies assistance line at 800-714-7777 (Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- You can also visit FocusOnEnergy.com to learn more about the Focus on Energy statewide program that helps people save on their bills with rebates.
- The program also has free energy packs they can send out to every customer, visit their website to learn more.
- The program also has free energy packs they can send out to every customer, visit their website to learn more.
On top of preparing for your bill to go up because of the rising cost of energy, WE Energies is also in the process with regulators from the Public Service Commission (PSC) to allow them a proposed increase in how much utility customers will pay, at an increase of 8 percent.
A final decision is expected soon. What PSC decides would go into effect as soon as January of next year.