MILWAUKEE — The Wisconsin Department of Health Services Vaccine Distribution Subcommittee met Tuesday to discuss how to define what group is next to get vaccinated.
The committee has separated vaccination efforts into different groups and members discussed how to move forward with the 1B group.
Committee members agreed to include those who are 70-years-of age or older in the group, despite medical conditions.
The committee also discussed including those living in congregate living settings such as housing that serves those with disabilities. Members debated whether to include those in domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, or agricultural housing in the group.
“We need to be clear congregate living its people at risk because they live with other non-family members,” said committee member, Ann Lewandowski.
“There’s an urgent need to move this process quickly because of the new variant,” said committee member Ed Belongia.
Another section that had members debating was non-front line health care employees, such as the HR department, accounting department, and administration office for hospitals.
Many members felt should not be included in the group due to their ability to work from home but some felt the IT department and those who work in the supply chain for the hospital must be included.
The decisions made will go out for public comment as the committee continues to works to revise its recommendations.
To send feedback to the subcommittee on the vaccine rollout plan, email