Two Milwaukee Aldermen received hateful and racists emails from what appears to be the same person.
Alderwoman Milele Coggs and Alderman Russell Stamper shared the emails with the public Thursday.
"We can agree to disagree all day but the threats, the racial slurs will not be tolerated,” Coggs said.
"It was disappointing to see the email,” Stamper said.
The email sent to Stamper said, “You all up in arms over whitey carrying guns in an area of the city where the “animals” are known to rob and kill, (Ziggy). Yet, 2 dumb n****rs shooting off their guns outside of Brett’s Farmhouse, drive them out of business. N****rs ruin everything."
The email sent to Coggs said, “You colored folks in government should just shut the f**k up. Whitey is starting to arm up because all your little n***a chillen are robbing and killing. Does the name Ziggy ring a bell? You folks should have been shipped back from where you came when you were freed."
This came after both city leaders said they’re working on a new law that will specifically prohibit guns from the workplace.
Many were outraged after a photo taken on Nov. 30 near 19th and Meinicke went viral. It showed three armed construction workers on a city project.
"I am happy about the progress we're making and sometimes when you get progress or make more progress people that are against that are going to come out,” Stamper said.
The emails also refer to Greg Zyskiewicz, a city home inspector who was on duty back in March 2017 when he was shot and killed during an attempted carjacking.
Since the death of Zyskiewicz, the city has improved city worker safety with panic alarms, car decals and brightly covered vests.