
Still time to register for MPS summer school

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Summer school is in session at four different Milwaukee high schools and MPS administrators say there's still time to register.

Currently, 500 students are enrolled in the early summer academy at Milwaukee School of the Arts. Vice Principal Kara Felsman says this is the first year for the early summer school, enrollment is good, but she'd be happy to have more students. 

"There are definitely students in the community that probably need our summer programming that aren't here," said Felsman. 

Students can either retake a class or take a new class, which could put them ahead in high school credits. Felsman says some students that enroll in June and July summer schools can earn up to two high school credits. 

Marelyn Rodriguez just graduated from Wedgewood Park Middle School and will attend Rufus King in the fall. She decided to spend part of her summer vacation in Mr. Robert's music class. 

"For the past two weeks I've been at home doing nothing.  So, it takes up good time, it's just half days," said Rodriguez. 

But some say MPS didn't give families enough notice about this new summer school option. 

Dashawn Cooper's sister is enrolled in MPS and he remembers exactly when his family found out about summer school. 

"We found out on Friday, downtown about 1:30 in the afternoon," said Cooper. 

Administrators say announcements about summer school have been posted online since early May. Parents can still enroll their children for the Early Summer Academy until Wednesday.