SHEBOYGAN — The Senior Activity Center of Sheboygan will be relocating to the former Save-A-Lot building, the city announced Tuesday.
The center is currently located at 428 Wisconsin Ave. but the City of Sheboygan, in collaboration with the Friends of the Senior Activity Center of Sheboygan Board of Directors, have determined that a new building site is necessary.
So, the city has purchased the old Save-A-Lot building located at 1817 N. 8th St. and will be using that as the new Senior Activity Center.
In September of 2019, local leaders and the Friends of the Senior Activity Center of Sheboygan (SACS) Board of Directors met for strategic planning to set a direction for the growth of the Senior Activity Center.
The group commissioned a feasibility study with Groth Design Group. That study continued through the COVID-19 pandemic, and in July, a significant failure of building systems was discovered.
The HVAC system was outdated and failing and would cost around $700,000 to fix. At that point, Groth Design Group gave city leaders and Friends of the Senior Activity Center three options.
The first was to repair the current structure, the second was to investigate a move to a temporary location, and the third was to purchase a new site. By unanimous decision, option three was selected by the Common Council.
According to the city of Sheboygan, "the closing on the Save-A- Lot building is anticipated to happen in the first quarter of 2021. Design and bidding for the renovations will occur after the closing. Based on funding availability, construction may occur in the fall of the 2021."