MILWAUKEE — Becoming a new parent isn't always easy...there's daycare, baby formula, and of course, diapers. Sadly, the cost of all those things is rising and that's why Tuesday's drive-through event was so important.
"In early 2020, I learned that one in three families in the United States struggle to afford diapers and as a mom of two young boys at the time, that really broke my heart and I wanted to do something to help," said Meagan Johnson, Executive Director of the Milwaukee Diaper Mission.
Johnson also realized that Milwaukee did not have a diaper bank and started the Milwaukee Diaper Mission. Last year the Milwaukee Bucks, as well as Giannis Antetokoumpo and his partner Moriah, helped distribute diapers. On Tuesday, her organization teamed up with Hayat Pharmacy and Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and his wife Dominique to give out over 15,000 diapers.

"We're so lucky to have so many amazing supporters across the city. When people come together and support our mission, it makes all the difference in the world," said Johnson.
According to NeilsonIQ, nationwide, the average cost of diapers has gone up by nearly 22% since 2018 and that puts a strain on family budgets that are also seeing a rise in the cost of food, rent, and gas.
"In a time like this when inflation is an issue and costs are going up, folks in Milwaukee, especially folks who live in our neediest communities, they need access to opportunities like this," said Mayor Johnson.
Mayor Johnson and his wife have three children including four-year-old twins, so they understand how fast diapers can go.

"We always talk about partnerships and working in the community and this is a partnership as well in working together to help Milwaukee become a better community," said his wife Dominique.
Statistics show that one in three mothers cut back on basic essentials just to afford diapers for their children.
Sophia Ford was a diaper recipient. She said, "With inflation and everything, it seems like there's not enough money to go around for families to afford everything. Diapers, toys, food, so everything helps."
The line stretched up Layton Avenue for almost five blocks and those who were able to get the extra help were grateful.
"I want to appreciate and say thank you for what they are doing for us and I hope they keep on doing this for other people that really need them," said Anthony Arenas.