A year from now we could know if Milwaukee will win the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
Skeptics remain if the city can make the cut but the man leading the effort says game on!
There's still a long road for Milwaukee to land the 2020 Democratic National Convention in the Bucks arena.
A full court press has already begun to win over the Democratic National Committee, including this recent pitch in DC.
"Basically to show them that Milwaukee is serious and enthusiastic about this bid," said Alex Lasry. "We also want to dispel any preconceived notions about Milwaukee being able to handle a bid like this."
Lasry is a Senior VP with the Milwaukee Bucks but he's leading the effort to win the 2020 convention. He's no stranger to politics. He was a 2016 Democratic delegate in Philadelphia.
"What's great about Milwaukee is affordability," said Lasry. "You look at a lot of big cities or you even look at Philadelphia, one of the biggest problem delegates had was it was unaffordable to be there."
It's an expensive proposition to hold a convention. Efforts are underway to raise $1 million for the bid. If Milwaukee wins, another $60 to $80 million will have to be raised to host the convention.
With an estimated $200 million dollars in economic impact and 50,000 possible visitors, Lasry believes Milwaukee is ready to step up into the big leagues.
"This is not something where we are like let's see what happens and at least we are in the conversation. No, we are in this to win," said Lasry. "We are in this to show the world and the country that Milwaukee can handle something like this."
So what's next? Milwaukee expects to submit its convention bid this spring.
Then sometime this summer Democratic National Committee members will visit Milwaukee to check out the city.
Lasry will be talking about the city's convention bid at the Milwaukee Press Club Newsmaker luncheon on Wednesday, March, 21.