KENOSHA — A Kenosha man has been charged in the shooting of a teen girl who attempted to steal his car.
Rodney Robinson, 26, has been charged with first degree reckless injury, use of a dangerous weapon and endangering safety by reckless use of a firearm. The two charges could mean a total of 35 years in prison and/or $125,000 in fines.
On the evening of 7/16, a teen girl stole Robinson's unattended car that was still running at a Kenosha gas station and was shot by the car's owner.
Robinson, the owner of the car, told Kenosha Police he intended to shoot out the tires and thought he was within his right to protect his property. Police said that what he did was in fact illegal.
A Flight for Life helicopter brought the injured teen to Children's Hospital, according to Kenosha police. She is currently in stable condition.