School board members in Brown Deer got their first official look at the district's reopening recommendations on Tuesday.
Over a virtual work session with potentially record-setting attendance, district officials offered an update on reopening this fall.
"We’re all trying to figure out what how it’s going to look in September right? But we also know the uptick is happening right now, and so we have to be able to pivot if needed to start virtually and then come back to our day-to-day brick and mortar," said Director of Teaching and Learning Willie Garrison.
The administration recommends in-person physically distanced learning for 4-days. The fifth would be a virtual day for everyone. Students' first day back would be phased in based on their last name.
"The rationale behind that is I know that our teachers will need time to be able to respond and manage coming back in a way that is different than what they know," said District Administrator Monica Kelsey-Brown.
For the four days of in-person learning, students would stay in their rooms while teachers move.
The fifth day, designated as a virtual learning day, would allow for developing lesson plans, making needed adjustments, and deep cleaning of learning spaces.
There would also be a virtual learning option for families.
District officials are also considering hiring additional custodians.
A parent survey found most families preferred a hybrid of virtual and in-person learning. However, district leaders recognized feelings may have changed given the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.
"I don’t think there’s a perfect plan, but I do think as a team as a family here in Brown deer we can do what’s in the best interest of our families here and do that an excellent way," said Garrison.
A lot of logistical questions that came up during the work session. District officials say they are still working through them to create a final plan.
Parents will receive a survey in early August on the proposed options.