WEST MILWAUKEE, Wis. — With many school districts getting ready to start school after Labor Day, families are in the final push to get their supplies. And that list is likely going to be more expensive than last year.
According to a Deloitte back to school survey after holiday shopping back to school shopping is the second biggest spending event for families.

“For everything it was like $100,” said Danny from Greenfield who was shopping for his son.
“Maybe $500 just on the essentials,” said Tibor Johnson from Milwaukee is also shopping for her son.
And, for a lot of people, they are noticing things are costing more.
“They were more pricier than they were for years past especially for the writing utensils and the notebooks,” said Anquinette Harris from Glendale is shopping for her daughter.
On average, families are expecting to spend $661 per child for school supplies and back to school clothes according Deloitte. The managing director of Deloitte’s Consumer Industry Center Stephen Rogers says it is inflation that is causing families to spend more this year.
“Back to school, by our estimation it's going to be up about eight-percent, but that's in keeping with inflation,” said Rogers.
Breaking that down further, school supply costs are up seven percent and clothing and accessories are up 18-percent, the biggest cost increase.

“When you look at overall back to school really apparel is the biggest place parents are spending,” said Rogers.
“There was a sticker shock for clothes but we still found all the sales,” said Harris.
However, stores like Target, Walmart and Kohls have said they have extra inventory which means discounts for shoppers. And for families trying to find deals right now writer and mom blogger Crystal Lopez for Crystalandcomp.com says think beyond the big box stores.

“Especially for clothing, try out the thrift stores seriously. If if back to school is starting for you, and you don't have the cash to go and buy a whole new wardrobe, or maybe once school starts kids need new gym clothes, or they need a new pair of jeans on a whim, and you don't get paid for two more weeks, thrift stores, goodwill, things of that nature,” said Lopez.

According to the National Retail Federation, 40-percent of families are also comparison shopping and 35-percent are buying generic.
“We shopped around,” said Harris.
“I have two more Targets to hit,” said Johnson. “It is what it is I guess when it is your kids.”
Some other money saving tips from Lopez, shop your home first. You could have items in your house or things your kids used last year like scirrors and glue sticks that can be used again. Price compare before you leave home to save money on gas. Also, don’t forget office supply stores and dollar stores which can have good deal. And finally, check the dollar bins and the clearance section of stores.