

Flynn: Wrong decision to release Chicago video


As the streets of Chicago intensify with outrage from protesters, the city braces for more backlash from the video showing an officer shooting a 17 year old 16 times.

"I would honestly say what's happening in Chicago is inherently inflammatory," said Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn.

Flynn doesn't believe the decision to release the video was in the best interest of due process.


"These videos are not inherently entertainment, they're evidence," explained Flynn.

Flynn said MPD tries to offer a balance between the public's right to know and the rights of defendants, in this case, officers.

"Historically here we don't release evidentiary video until a decision has been made as to what the process is going to do," said Flynn.

In 2011, video of Derek Williams begging for help while handcuffed in the back a police squad car was released early. Williams eventually died in MPD custody.

"As I recall it was released sooner than that and obviously caused great deal of consternation," explained Flynn.

"We knew when that video came out it was going to be shocking, It's the worse video I've seen. Similar to now what we see in Chicago," said Attorney Jonathan Safran.

Safran represented Williams' family. He believes Williams' video and all controversial police video should be released without delay.

"I think the public has the right to know and see, especially when it involves officials paid with public dollars,"

Chief Flynn insisted there are people who simply prey on unfortunate police incidents.

"What concerns me is that there are some in the community who just want to divide the police from the community and they'll use video from anywhere in the country to accomplish that purpose," said Flynn