MILWAUKEE — North Division High School is just one of two places that will now become additional vaccination sites starting on Monday. And for the first time in Milwaukee, officials say they will also operate as a walk-in clinic for people living in the city with low vaccination rates.
"COVID-19 has hit us hit us hard, and I want to make sure that we are doing everything and I mean everything we need to do to move our community forward," said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

In an effort to combat vaccine disparity for those living in one of 10 priority ZIP codes, they'll be able to walk-in to one of two additional vaccination clinics at North and South Division High School without an appointment and no questions asked.
"We are not requiring Social Security numbers, and we are not asking anyone about his or her immigration status," said Barrett.
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The push to provide better access to the vaccine came after the latest Evaluating Vulnerability and Equity or EVE Model showed that those living in the priority ZIP codes had the most vulnerable populations receiving the least amount of vaccinations.
"As of last week, 150,000 white Milwaukeeans across the county already obtained a Covid shot while only 14,000 Latinos or Latin X Milwaukeeans had obtained theirs," said District 8 Alderwoman, JoCasta Zamarripa.
To put the vaccination disparities in Milwaukee County into context: Of those who've received their first dose of the COIVD-19 vaccine, 23% were white 11% were Hispanic or Latinx, and 10% were Black.

"It's paramount that we get our underrepresented communities to these sites," said Zamarripa.
"The doors are wide open, you just need to come through and it'll help you, it will help your family, and it will help your community," said Michele Bria, Chief Executive Officer of Journey Health.
City officials add that North and South Division High School will be open Monday through Friday from 10 am until 4 pm.