MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee Alderwoman and candidate for mayor Marina Dimitrijevic has introduced a plan to provide free, at-home COVID-19 tests to Milwaukee residents and a $100 incentive for those who get their booster shots.
“The rapid spread of COVID-19 in Milwaukee County, driven largely by the new omicron variant, is deeply concerning. But thankfully, we now have the tools we need to combat this virus and keep schools and businesses open,” said Alderwoman Dimitrijevic, chair of the Public Safety and Health Committee. “Under my plan, Milwaukee residents will have the ability to pick up free, at-home COVID-19 tests at public libraries throughout the city. I will also be introducing legislation to restart Milwaukee’s $100 incentive system for anyone who gets vaccinated, and expanding that incentive to include booster shots."
The at-home tests would be available for pick-up at locations across Milwaukee, including libraries. In September, the city offered a similar vaccine incentive to residents who received their first dose of the vaccine.
"Slowing this latest wave of COVID-19 is not just a moral imperative, it’s a racial justice issue, as COVID-19 has continued to disproportionately impact Milwaukee’s Black and Brown communities," said Alderwoman Dimitrijevic. "For the vaccinated and boosted, this rise in cases will require vigilance but with proper testing and masks should not require a full disruption of daily life. For the unvaccinated, COVID-19 remains a mortal threat. We must do all we can to get all Milwaukee residents vaccinated and boosted.”
Milwaukee County remains in the extreme transmission category with a positivity rate of 12.6%.
Alderwoman Dimitrijevic’s plan will be introduced as legislation when the Common Council returns in January.