If you're having trouble with your bank, listen up. There may be a few things you can do to take action and get your problem resolved.
One of the most common complaints the Call 4 Action office gets is from people having trouble with their bank. Sometimes it's a simple misunderstanding, but when you can't get the problem resolved on your own, here is what you can do to get action:
- If you are unable to get a teller or customer service person to resolve your issue, ask for a manager or supervisor.
After doing so, document who you spoke with and also when and what you were promised. If you do not see a resolution within a few days or weeks and are unable to get help from your bank, contact state and federal agencies who regulate your financial institution. If it is a federal bank, you may be able to get help from the Office of the Comptroller of Currency.
You can also get help from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the State of Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions.