
Franklin parents unhappy with new class structure

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The Franklin School District will be making a change for students when it opens a brand new middle school next year, and parents aren’t happy.

The district will be going to a new model where instead visiting four teachers with four different subjects, they will see two teachers with four subjects in a day.

At a school board meeting tonight, the District Administrator Judy Mueller said the new model will allow for better scheduling of teachers and expose students to real world connections between subjects.

“There is no research to support that a four person house is better than a three person house is better than a two person house… we have expert teachers because they know how to convey information to students and inspire them to learn," Muller said.

Parents are worried that teachers will not be teaching in their area of expertise.

“Math teachers teaching science and vise versa isn't the best use of talent resources” said Tamara Grobschmidt.

They would like the district to reconsider the new plan.

“More options should be explored so we can retain the 4 house system and use teachers talents the best way possible” said Grobschmidt.

The new plan will take place when students move the the brand new $40 million Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year.