The time is has come!
After a year of anticipation, "Avengers: Endgame" is now in theaters, capping an extraordinary 22-film story arc that started in 2008 with Marvel's 'Iron Man.'
To celebrate the opening of "Endgame," Google is serving up a fun treat for fans.
Google search the name "Thanos," the film's powerful villain, and click on the Infinity Gauntlet that shows up at the top of the search window.

All of a sudden, half of the search results on the page will disappear, much like many of the heroes in 2018's "Avengers: Infinity War."

Users will even see the search results drop from 95,500,000 to 47,750,000.
Click on the Gauntlet again and the search results will reappear.
'Avengers: Endgame' is off to a record-breaking start, making $60 million at the domestic box office on Thursday night, making it the biggest opening night in history.