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Southeast Wisconsin weather: Cloudy and humid with scattered showers on Thursday

We stay cloudy and muggy on Thursday with highs in the 70s and a chance for scattered afternoon showers.
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Wednesday was in the 50s and 60s to start the morning, but we quickly warmed up into the mid 80s. This evening is beautiful and dry with temps in the 70s, and then clouds increase and rain moves in after 3am. Morning lows stay in the 60s for everyone, and expect wet roads for the morning commute. We stay cloudy and muggy on Thursday with highs in the 70s and a chance for scattered afternoon t'showers.

The rain moves out Thursday evening with a cold front, and then we cool to near 60 by Friday morning with much less humidity. Friday is sunny and beautiful with temps in the mid 70s. Saturday has a few clouds and highs in the upper 70s. Rain showers should hold off until late Saturday night, and rain showers are possible throughout the day on Sunday. Sunday is back into the 80s and very humid.

Increasing clouds with showers after 4am
Low:  68 Lakefront...63 Inland
Wind: SW 5-10 mph

Mostly cloudy and humid with scattered t'showers
High: 78
Wind: WSW 10-15 mph

Mostly sunny and ideal
High: 71 Lakefront...76 Inland
Wind: NE 10-15 mph

Mostly sunny and a little humid
High: 78
Wind: SE 10-15 mph

Morning rain likely, then scattered in the afternoon and muggy
High: 83
Wind: S 10-20 mph

Partly cloudy, warm, and muggy with scattered t'showers
High: 86
Wind: SW 10-15 mph

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