Regardless of what your exact experience has been during the COVID-19 pandemic, it goes without saying that all of our lives have been disrupted.
Perhaps you’ve been lucky and your only issues have been keeping your kids occupied or your hair getting a bit shaggy. For others, larger problems like affording groceries or needing a space to work from home have been a challenge.
Whatever the need, there’s a new contest from the Dixie brand that may be able to help. Their “A Lot On Your Plate” contest is looking to, well, take some of these worries off your plate.

The initiative will address everyday needs and frustrations for more than 500 people every week for a total of eight weeks. Gifts include Dixie products (so you don’t have to do the dishes as often), home gym equipment, takeout meals and even personalized prizes worth up to $10,000. Whether you’re in need of a home haircut, online cooking classes or something to entertain the kids, Dixie has you covered.
In a press release, Dixie says the gift options are pretty much endless, based on each winner’s unique challenges. A total of 4,000 people will receive $15 worth of Dixie Products to make mealtime easier, 300 people will receive a personalized prize worth up to $500 and eight people will receive a personalized prize worth up to $10,000.
To enter now through July 6, simply take a picture or video sharing a glimpse into your life and saying what Dixie can take off your plate. Enter online via Dixie’s website or on Instagram by using hashtags #offmyplate and #dixiecontest and tagging @Dixie. Judging is based on originality, creativity and quality. If entering via Instagram, make sure your profile is public so Dixie can see your post.

There are numerous entries on Instagram already. Hopeful individuals are asking for new dining room tables, baby clothes, food delivery service subscriptions, gardening assistance, and even help with home repairs and remodels.
There are also requests that are directly related to the pandemic, like the one from Instagram user @salamanderclamilton. This user has been working from during the pandemic, but needs a new desk and chair.
You can read the official rules for the “Off Your Plate” contest by visiting Dixie’s website.
What could you use help with during these trying times? You should enter the contest so that Dixie can take something off your plate, too!
This story originally appeared on Don't Waste Your Money. Checkout Don't Waste Your Money for product reviews and other great ideas to save and make money.