Sports2024 Paris Olympics


Twitter refuses to believe that Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir aren't together

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After a gold medal-winning figure skating performance by Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Twitter wants nothing more than these champions to be together, according toToronto Life

Virtue and Scott did a 10-point routine to the Moulin Rouge cover of "Roxanne," breaking hearts across the world in the process. 

According to Toronto Life, Canadians are used to this feeling of disappointment when it comes to Virtue and Scott, who performed in both 2010 and 2014.  

Unfortunately, after an 8-month relationship between them when they were 9 and 7-years-old, Moir called it off after teasing from friends, according to The pair has been skating together, platonically, since then.