MILWAUKEE- Milwaukee leaders are showing a competitive spirit to their Dallas counterparts in the name of the Green Bay Packers.
"We agree on most things except that he's just wrong about his football preference," explained County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee County.
Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele sent a tweet to his friend Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins that said: no offense to my friend Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, but Clay Matthews in my favorite Clay.
No offense to my friend Dallas County Judge @JudgeClayJ, but @ClayMatthews52 is my favorite Clay. #GoPackGo #PackersvCowboys
— Chris Abele (@ChrisAbeleMKE) January 11, 2017
"There's so much to like about Clay Jenkins, but there's more to like about Clay Matthews," Abele tweeted.
The two decided on a friendly wager. The Dallas judge tweeted "victory is sweet, like BBQ sauce. I'll put some TX BBQ on the outcome of the game.
.@JudgeClayJ I'll put up a six pack of a few of Milwaukee's finest craft beers. #AmericasRealTeam #GoPackGo #PackersvCowboys
— Chris Abele (@ChrisAbeleMKE) January 11, 2017
Abele responded "I'll put up a six pack of a few of Milwaukee's finest craft beers."
"We're actually going to do a poll to see which Milwaukee beers to include. Top six that we will offer if the Cowboys win," explained Abele. You can make your suggestions here.
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett sent a tweet to the Dallas Mayor that said: Hey Mayor Mike Rawlings- enjoy hosting the Kings of the North this weekend as they continue their path to the Super Bowl.
"We just decided to have a little fun to tweet Mike Rawlings who's the mayor of Dallas and wish him luck and of course the Packers are going to win this weekend so we wanted to let him know that here in North County we are thinking about them," explained Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee.