

PolitiFact Wisconsin: Walker on transportation investments

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All those orange barrels at road construction sites add up to a lot green. 

But is Wisconsin spending more money on transportation under Gov. Scott Walker than Gov. James Doyle? 

PolitiFact Wisconsin puts that claim to the Truth-O-Meter.  

Transportation funding is sure to be a big issue in the governor's race and  Walker is trying to drive the numbers to his advantage.

"Gov. Walker says that over eight years he has invested $24 billion in transportation and that $3 billion more than under Gov. Doyle," said Tom Kertscher with the Milwaukee Journal. 

PolitiFact Wisconsin looked at the numbers from the legislative fiscal bureau.

 Doyle spent $18.7 billion versus $17.4 billion for Walker, a difference of more than $1 billion for Doyle.  

But Walker said "invested" 24 billion dollars. PolitiFact Wisconsin says Walker gets to his number by "double counting."

"Walker's figure double counts the principal that is involved when the state borrows money for transportation projects," said Kertscher. "So it's counting the money when it's borrowed and it's counting the payments that are made on the principal."

Excluding the double counting and taking into account inflation, PolitiFact Wisconsin says Doyle actually spent more in his eight years than Walker has in his.

Walker's statement is rated Mostly False.