Photos: Earthquake causes major damage in Alaska

An employee walks past a damaged aisle at an Anchorage True Value hardware store.Dan Joling/AP
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck near Anchorage, Alaska, on Friday morning crumbled roads and splintered buildings, sent residents scurrying for cover and triggered a tsunami warning for a time, authorities said.Jonathan M. Lettow/AP
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A stranded vehicle on a collapsed roadway near the Anchorage airport after the 7.0 earthquake.Nathaniel Wilder/Reuters
Erin Kirkland was in an airport store stocking the children's book shelves on Friday when the earthquake hit. She said she was right in front of a huge bank of windows.Erin Kirkland/Instagram
Dillon Vought shot this video of damage to the road after Friday's earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska. In the video, you can see that the road surface at an exit has collapsed and a lot of emergency vehicles.Dillon Vought/Instagram
An earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, prompted tsunami warnings.@sarahh_mars/Twitter
High School student Alyson Petrie caught this video in the midst of the 6.6 magnitude earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska. Petrie captured this footage in an art room at Colony High School.Alyson Petrie/Twitter