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Village board bans assault weapons in Deerfield, Illinois

Village board bans assault weapons in Deerfield, Illinois
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DEERFIELD, IL - Residents have until June to get rid of certain semi-automatic firearms, in accordance with a unanimous decision from the Deerfield Village Board to ban assault weapons.

The proposal was first presented to the Village Board of Trustees on March 19. Residents made comments both for and against the proposal for over an hour and a half.

The board heard people's suggestions, arguments, and comments and made the final vote on April 2. Among those arguments were some students from Deerfield High School fighting for gun reform.

The ordinance was modeled after a proposal adopted in Highland Park back in 2013. ABC 7 reports that the amendment to Deerfield's gun ordinance will include a ban on assault weapons such as AR-15s and high-capacity magazines as well.

Mayor Harriet Rosenthal said the proposal was partially in response to the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Though there may not be a current gun problem in Deerfield, those in favor stressed the importance of preventing the problem with the ban.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering said, "There were no assault weapons problems in Orlando or Newtown or in Las Vegas or in San Bernardino or in so many of the other cities where these mass shootings have occurred."

The Village is hopeful that they can get more towns to take action, which may lead to the state taking action, which could lead to a change in the federal government.

As with any ban, there are opponents.

The law will go into effect on June 13. Residents who do not remove weapons by the date face a $1,000 fine per day.