A photographer in Florida recently photographed what he thought was just an osprey carrying a fish along Madeira Beach. It turned out to be the best photo he has ever taken.
Upon further inspection, Doc Jon realized he managed to capture an osprey carrying a shark, which was in the process of eating a fish.
He clarifies that it is his best photo due to its content, not its quality. He told the Weather Channel, "I zoom in and I’m like, 'Holy crap, that’s a shark.' And then I see the fish in the mouth ... I just couldn’t believe I had gotten that picture."
"When i looked on my computer i saw the fishs tail was that of a shark. then zooming and cleaning up the photo noticed THE SHARK IS EATING A FISH!! !!!" Jon said in his Facebook post.
Jon told the Weather Channel he had just one regret about his shot:
"My first thought is I wish it was cleaner...It's not a very good photograph."